About CED

Circuit Engineering Districts (CEDs) have been developed under Title 69 § 687.1, which allows Counties to come together as a cooperative and provide efficiencies that are not available to an individual county. The Districts act as a political subdivision to serve on the CED board. Each County designates one County Commissioner to serve on the CED board. The Districts mirror the same boundaries as the ACCO districts.


  • Provide efficiency through pooling resources.
  • Provide research.
  • Provide assistance with such functions as road maintenance, construction, inspection, and equipment.
  • Conduct public discussion groups, panels, and lectures.
  • Provide courses of education and instruction.
  • Obtain and develop types of information relative to the operation of the transportation system.
  • Provide short and long range planning within the district and with other districts.
  • Provide services to Counties that will improve the quality of the transportation system and be cost effective.

Circuit Engineering Districts may also:

  • Provide construction inspection for road and bridge projects.
  • Perform Safety Bridge Inspection as required by the Federal Highway Administration.
  • Develop sign shops that are constructing roadway signs according to the latest standard.
  • Provide training for county roadway employees through coordination with OSU’s Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP).
  • Provide engineering advice.
  • Conduct county equipment auctions that as of this date have sold over $21 million dollars worth of equipment and netted the districts $418,000.
  • Provide an inventory and condition assessments of bridges, roads, signs, and roadway structures.

CED Board Members

PRESIDENT: David Poindexter, Delaware County

VICE PRESIDENT: Steve Talburt, Osage County

SECRETARY / TREASURER: Lowell Walker, Craig County

MEMBER: Mike Furnas, Ottawa County

MEMBER:  Jarrod Whitehouse, Creek County

MEMBER: Alva Martin, Mayes County

MEMBER: Troy Friddle, Nowata County

MEMBER: Dan DeLozier, Rogers County

MEMBER: Ron Weaver, Pawnee County

MEMBER: Alex Mills, Tulsa County

MEMBER: Mitch Antle, Washington County

CED#1 Bylaws Adopted 02-26-2015